India Mcpherson staff photo black and white

Product Developer

BA Industrial Design hons

Industrial design, Systems design and Sustainability in design

Originally from Melbourne, India started as a Project Management in social research and digital fabricator while concurrently pursuing her Honours degree in Industrial Design at Monash University. While studying India became a part of the team at Monash Health Design Collab. At Monash India has been dedicated to Design for Health and Medtech within the academic sphere for the past 2 years, while also working as a Teaching Associate teaching Sustainability and social impact within the university.

Passionate about research through design, India was drawn to design within the Medical device industry because she recognised it as an area where design could truly make a lasting impact, grounded in robust research. Throughout her academic pursuits, India's primary focus has revolved around applying open-source design principles to healthcare, systems design, Service design and the integration of emerging technologies within the realms of sustainability and health.

"Less but better"

- Dieter Rams