Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Health

Anne O’Neill

Acting Executive Director

Anne has over 20 years of experience in the health, medical research and policy sectors. She is responsible for leading the development and implementation of major policies and programs to enhance medical research capacity in NSW and raise the profile of NSW research and development nationally and internationally. She is responsible for the NSW Medical Device Fund and NSW Medical Device Commercialisation Training Program – both have been critical to accelerating the development of NSW intellectual property and the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs in NSW.

Prior to this role, she was the Research and Development Manager at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead for over 10 years. She was also the co-convener of the NSW Chapter of ARMS (Australasian Research Management Society), a member of the ARMS Professional Development Committee, a member of the ARMS Conference Program Committee, and a member of the Institute of Public Administration Australia NSW Women’s Leadership Network Committee.

Anne holds a Bachelor of Science (Physiology and Pharmacology) (Hons) and an Executive Masters of Public Administration from The Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

BBFH Interview Series