test rig and prototype condom being examined
Published On: August 21, 2018Categories: Medical Device

The seven 2018 NSW Medical Devices Fund winners have been announced. The winners have won a share of $9.85M provided by NSW Health that will contribute towards the commercialisation of new products that have the potential to change the healthcare industry. Out of the seven, IDE Group has been involved with three of the winners on their journey, those being:

– Eudeamon Technologies are commercialising Geldom, a condom made of a new hydrogel material that mimics skin, resulting in a lifelike, safe approach to sex and sexual health.

– Ellen Medical are bringing the world an affordable dialysis machine that considerable decreases the cost of dialysis. This is an invention that could save millions of lives each year and transform the way kidney disease is treated around the world.

– Cenofex Innovations with a medical device that can effectively manage lymphoedema when and where a patient needs it. This will revolutionise lymphoedema treatment in terms of giving access and functionality to the patients living with this condition.

IDE would like to congratulate all the 2018 Medical Devices Fund winners. We love working together with these organisations to develop and create intellectual property that new and growing businesses can be built around.

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